Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Thursday, June 8th

12:45 Luncheon
(Athletes, Coaches, Volunteers, and Invitees)

1:30pm Award Ceremonies
(Athletes, Coaches, Volunteers, Parents, Friends and Family are welcome to attend this part of the ceremony.)
Congratulations to all of the Spring teams, their coaches, volunteers and fans:

Mountain Biking – Mrs. Timewell
AJ Timewell 12th

Badminton – Mr. Jean
Okanagan Runner-Up Senior
Okanagan 3rd place Junior

Golf – Mr. Abraham
Senior golf team finished second in west zones and eighth in okanagans.
Juniors finished second.

Junior Boys Rugby  - Mr. Kozoris
West Zone Champions

Junior Girls Soccer – Mr. Ansley
2nd place West Zones

Senior Girls Rugby – Ms. Conelley Smith, Mr,. Dhaliwal
Provincials 8th place

Tennis – Mr. Friesen, Mrs. Bison
West Zone Champions
3rd place @ Okanagans
Provincials 11th place

Senior Girls Soccer – Mrs. Linton, Mrs. Frnacis, Mrs. Ramunno
West Zone Champions
Okanagans 2nd place
Provincials 10th