Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Congratulations to all of the Spring teams, their coaches, volunteers and fans:

Mountain Biking – Mrs. Timewell
AJ Timewell 12th

Badminton – Mr. Jean
Okanagan Runner-Up Senior
Okanagan 3rd place Junior

Golf – Mr. Abraham
Senior golf team finished second in west zones and eighth in okanagans.
Juniors finished second.

Junior Boys Rugby  - Mr. Kozoris
West Zone Champions

Junior Girls Soccer – Mr. Ansley
2nd place West Zones

Senior Girls Rugby – Ms. Conelley Smith, Mr,. Dhaliwal
Provincials 8th place

Tennis – Mr. Friesen, Mrs. Bison
West Zone Champions
3rd place @ Okanagans
Provincials 11th place

Senior Girls Soccer – Mrs. Linton, Mrs. Frnacis, Mrs. Ramunno
West Zone Champions
Okanagans 2nd place
Provincials 10th